Myofascial Release
Myofascial Release is a safe, and highly effective hands-on therapy to treat fascial restriction. Fascial restrictions result from any type of trauma, physical, mental, and/or emotional. These restrictions produce enormous pressures of up to 2,000 lbs. per square inch and are undetectable by many standard tests such as X-Rays, CAT Scans, and myelograms.
During a treatment gentle, sustained pressure is used by the therapist. This sustained pressure is key to helping the connective tissue, “fascia” rehydrate, reorganize, adding length and restoring space in the body. Alignment and mobility return and the body is able to heal as pain and inflammation are eliminated.
Myofascial Release sessions are unique to each individual and will help the client develop a deeper awareness of their body.
Biodynamic Cranial Touch
Biodynamic Cranial Touch helps an individual to connect with the their own Wholeness of Health. It is through non-efferent touch, and presence that our consciousness has the ability to drop into a deep awareness and connection to our wholeness, health, and healing present in each of us.
Pilates is a Mind Body movement form of exercise as well as healing modality. It greatly enhances your awareness of your body in all forms of movement and in Life. Pilates helps you create a centered and grounded sense of who you are. It helps to relieve pain and build strength.
At Blue Moon Body, Judy Richardson brings her expertise in feeling and seeing the body as a whole into her teaching of Pilates, Yoga and other forms of somatic movement.

“The forces that formed the body are continuously at work throughout life, carrying the blueprint of health into manifestation at every moment.”
“I cannot speak highly enough of Judy and her many gifts. She helped me release chronic physical pain and connect more deeply to my body. Through her invaluable guidance, I was able to make lifestyle changes for long term healing. Judy’s wonderful presence will leave you feeling refreshed and reenergized!”
“Working with Judy has been the most transformative experience in helping me recover from a traumatic brain injury. Our sessions not only addressed the physical pain but allowed me to release the the emotions associated with the traumatic event. The therapy I have done with Judy has given me my life back!”
“With Judy’s help, I have avoided a total hip replacement. Her gentleness and her “laser vision” hone in on areas in my body that need attention. She perceives the slightest change in energy flow and has helped me to gain greater physical and emotional awareness. Judy has facilitated incredible healing for me!”
“I have known Judy as a professional and wise woman, Teacher and healer for many many years and continue to be inspired and awed at the work that she does in the most unique and divine way. Judy takes the rawness of life and molds and craft the vulnerability into brilliance! She is a true Master!”
“I was a heartbroken runner with a relentless piriformis syndrome, causing me to limp. Judy Richardson used her healing hands and spirit to create space for me to heal. We explored unconscious holding, trauma, and the profound sadness that surrounded me. She captured the healing powers of my own self, and directed me to use them. It was work, but she created a safe space for me and the pain left me. She has a healing gift. Her knowledge and skill extends beyond her profound knowledge of myofascial and neurophysiology. She is a coach and spiritual guide in one’s path to heal.”
“Judy is the real deal. Years of constant study, practice, focus and unrelenting faith in the wisdom of the body are immediately evident in her authentic approach to healing. There is no one I could trust more with distance healing than Judy. Her humility only adds to the power of her sessions.”